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Calling Spirit Out Loud

Upcoming Classes: 2024
In this one-hour online course, you'll learn to apply the principles of the Native American Medicine Wheel as a tool to relieve stress and find greater balance.

You'll learn about the many facets of the Medicine Wheel:
  • 1. The Four Directions
  • 2. The Four Elements
  • 3. The Cycles
  • 4. The Animal Totems

You'll also learn how you can create your own wheel so you can use it to center yourself, connect with different aspects of nature on a deeper level and even get answers to help you on your life path.

The class will be hosted via Zoom on March 10 at 11 a.m. CST. The cost is $25. After taking this course you'll have an understanding of the key aspects of a Medicine Wheel, how you can apply its teachings to your own life and how to create a personal Medicine Wheel.

Register today 
Live a Purpose-Driven Life : Find the Path to Your Why
As we've moved into the Year of the Dragon, a powerful year of abundance and attaining our dreams, now is the time to be clear on what it means to live your best life -- live your purpose.

Finding that clarity begins with understanding who we are and what drives us: where we are in life today, what we value and what comprises our core beliefs.

We're excited to be offering a three-week all online course: Find the Path to Your Why starting June 23.

In this series of two-hour online workshops, you'll delve into:

  • Where are you are in your life today, where you want to be and what it will take to get you there 
  • The values you hold, the values you admire and how living your values will help you achieve your goals.
  • The core beliefs driving you day to day, where they come from and whether they still serve you.

What you'll receive

  • 1:1 intention-setting session with a certified Soul Coaching® professional
  • Inclusive, supportive environment (no more than 12 participants)
  • 3 online experiential workshops (hands-on activities, guided meditations, group discussions)
  • Exercises dedicated to deepening your connection to your own purpose
  • Custom digital journal
  • 1:1 Office Hours
  • Online supportive community

At the end of this program, you'll have gained clarity on your goals, values and beliefs, proven methods for living your purpose and a greater sense of personal empowerment.

Register today for early bird pricing of $99.